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Smart Metering & Monitoring of Utilities Usage & Costs

There is a famous saying that “if you cannot measure you cannot manage”


No-one would contemplate running a business without measuring financial performance on a regular and detailed basis. Yet when it comes to energy and water costs we rely on basic data from standard fiscal meters.


If you read a meter say once a month, important consumption information is lost allowing wasteful practices and leaks to go unchecked or unnoticed.


At ESS we take a strategic approach to metering and monitoring i.e. installing the least number of submeters necessary to measure precisely the key uses of energy and water, then collecting and analysing data regularly to spot inherent utilisation inefficiencies, wasteful practices or losses of energy and water which have gone undetected for many years or even decades, so that rectification measures can be implemented quickly.

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Our experience shows that after implementing our smart metering solution, potential savings are revealed almost immediately and can be as high as 20% in year one.


Ongoing, 3% to 5% per annum can be saved as this metering will highlight anomalous or excessive usage.


For more information contact us.

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