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Achieving Zero Carbon

At ESS we are committed to helping businesses respond to a fast approaching low-carbon future.


Whilst the tragic human effects of the COVID-19 global health pandemic may, in due course, be minimised or totally eliminated with suitable vaccines, climatic damage to our planet is not so fixable and may result in indefinite and irreparable changes to how we live on this planet.


Illustrated is a photo taken of the Rainbow Mountain in Peru taken after the permanent snow melted in 2015 revealing its magnificent 14 colours!


With many countries now committed to net zero carbon emissions by a target date of 2050, we offer a range of bespoke consultancy services to help businesses develop their own road map towards a low carbon future.


Illustrated in our Case Studies is a self-generation scheme whereby 100% of the electricity power is generated by solar energy (fixed and rotating panels) integrated with battery storage to manage daytime peaks and evening usage. Water is extracted from a borehole, filtered and treated to drinking water standards.


Using a systematic approach we have developed a road map to achieving near or zero carbon status and for developing countries 100% independence off the national grid.


For more information contact us.

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