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Kai-zen means change (= kai) for the better (= zen) – a Japanese process for ‘continuous improvement’.

Using this renowned technique, ESS has developed a bespoke, team driven and participative programme which:

  1. educates, encourages and empowers (the 3Es) employees at all levels to take action to improve the business’s performance

  2. challenges teams to review current operational practices and their impact on energy and water consumption, costs, CO2

  3. uses the 3Rs approach to identify new and opportunities for reducing energy and water or eliminating wasteful practices

  4. defines a time and responsibility plan for implementation of reduction measures

  5. uses simple dashboards to monitor performance

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Our experience of facilitating over 75 such events shows that employees are immediately motivated to take action delivering savings of 3% to 5% or more.


A further 10% to 15% savings can be achieved with capital investment for energy and water efficiency improvements.



Typical kaizen deliverables include:

  • A refined list of ‘Just Do Its’ (JDIs) requiring low or no cost actions to achieve 3% to 5% savings

  • A prioritised list of projects to deliver a further 10% to 15% savings with but with capex investment

  • Implementation Plan (time and responsibility)

  • Meter Maps (for traceability of savings)

If you wish to kick start your NET ZERO programme contact us for a detailed presentation and examples of results achieved for our clients.

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